Alan J. Thomson
Victoria, BC, Canada
email: ajthomson@AdaptiveKM.com
Sustainable Resource Management:
Policy is central to sustainability, and monitoring and knowledge management play key roles in successful policy enactment.
Policy is not only an authoritative choice of values, it is also a representation of a particular way of seeing and understanding the world ... The values expressed in forest policy are generally understood to be ones of economic, political (read power), social and cultural origins.
(Reynolds, Thomson et al. 2007: xv).
Sustainable forestry depends not only on the social, political, economic and cultural factors indicated above, but also on the biological and ecological constraints. It includes consideration of management practices from planting to harvesting, including assessment and protection of the resource (see "Dynamics and impacts of pests and disease"), and other aspects of forest management (see Adaptive Management).
Resource Assessment:
I am listed as an expert in the UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment process.
I am author of an invited chapter on Information Management and Data Registration in an FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) Knowledge Reference for National Forest Assessment.
(Thomson 2004, revision 2015.)
Publications on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Lim SS, Allen K, Bhutta ZA, Dandona L, Forouzanfar MH, Fullman N, Gething PW, Goldberg EM, Hay SI, Holmberg M, Kinfu Y ... Thomson, AJ.... Measuring the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: a baseline analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet. 2016 Oct 8;388(10053):1813-50.
Publications on Sustainable Resource Management:
Reynolds, K., Thomson, A., Köhl, M., Shannon, S., Ray, D., and Rennolls, K. (eds.) 2007. Sustainable Forestry: From Monitoring and Modelling to Knowledge Management and Policy Science. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK: 461-479.
Thomson, A.J. 2007. How should we manage Knowledge Ecosystems? Using Adaptive Knowledge Management! Chapter 27 in: Reynolds, K., Thomson, A., Köhl, M., Shannon, S., Ray, D., and Rennolls, K. (eds.) 2007. Sustainable Forestry: From Monitoring and Modelling to Knowledge Management and Policy Science. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK: 461-479.
Reynolds, K.M., M. Shannon, M. Köhl, K. Rennolls, A. Thomson and D. Ray. 2007. Overview. In: Reynolds, K., Thomson, A., Köhl, M., Shannon, S., Ray, D., and Rennolls, K. (eds.) 2007. Sustainable Forestry: From Monitoring and Modelling to Knowledge Management and Policy Science. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, xv-xxiv.
Thomson, A.J., B. Callan and J. Dennis. 2007. A knowledge ecosystem perspective on development of web-based technologies in support of sustainable forestry. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 59: 39-55.
Thomson, A.J. 2004. Integration of Traditional Knowledge, Values and Science in Forest Land Use Planning. In Proceedings of the National Conference on Aboriginal Forestry, 11-13 May 2004, Thunder Bay, Ontario. p 22 [abstract of invited presentation].
Schmoldt, D.L., and A.J. Thomson. 2003. Precision Technologies: Data Availability Past and Future. Keynote Presentation. Proc. Second International Precision Forestry Symposium. University of Washington, Seattle, WA, June 15-17, 2003
Thomson, A.J., and S.A. Akenhead. 2000. Designing sustainable mountain landscapes in British Columbia. In: 'Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development: A State-of-Knowledge Report for 2000'. M. Price and N. Butt (eds.). CABI Publishing, Oxford. 215-218.
Thomson, A.J. 1996. Asimov's psychohistory: vision of the future or present reality? AI Applications 10(3): 1-8. [Note: this is a review of Artificial Intelligence applications relating to Natural Resource Conflict Resolution. It was an invited paper on the future of AI in natural resources, for the 10th anniversary issue of the journal.]
Thomson, A.J., D.G. Goodenough, R. Archibald, D. Morgan, B. Adams, D. Hawkins, and D. Say. 1996. Landscape management and biodiversity: automating the design of Forest Ecosystem Networks. AI Applications 10(3): 57-65.
Thomson, A.J. 1993. Paradigm Green: AI approaches to evaluating the economic consequences of changing environmental viewpoints. AI Applications 7(4): 61 - 68.
Thomson, A.J., and R.A. Fleming. 1991. Legislative and policy limits to successful integrated pest management in Canada's forests. Forestry Chronicle 67 (5): 493- 499.
Publications on forest nurseries and seed orchards:
El-Kassaby, Y.A., and A. J. Thomson. 1996. Parental rank changes associated with seed biology and nursery practices in Douglas-fir. For. Sci. 42: 228-235.
Thomson, A.J., and Y.A. El-Kassaby. 1993. Interpretation of seed germination parameters. New Forests 7: 123-132.
El-Kassaby, Y.A., and A.J. Thomson. 1990. Continued reliance on bulked seed orchard crops; is it reasonable? In: Proc. Joint meeting of Western For. Genet. Assoc. and IUFRO working party S2.02-05,06,12 and 14, Olympia Washington (August 1990). Section 4, 56-65.
Thomson, A.J., and Y.A. El-Kassaby. 1988. Trend surface analysis of a Douglas-fir provenance-progeny transfer test. Can. J. For. Res. 18 : 515-520.
Thomson, A.J., J.R. Sutherland, T.A.D. Woods and S.M. Moncrieff. 1983. Evaluation of seed disease effects in container-sown Sitka spruce. For. Sci. 29: 59-65.
Publications on tree growth and yield:
Thomson, A.J., and R.G. McMinn. 1989. Effects of stock type and site preparation on growth to crown closure of white spruce and lodgepole pine. Can. J. For. Res. 19: 262-269.
Thomson, A.J., and R.G. McMinn. 1989. Height growth rates of young white spruce and lodgepole pine. Can. J. For. Res. 19: 257-261
Thomson, A.J., K. Tudor, V. Korelus and D. Ralph. 1989. Detecting response of Douglas-fir to nitrogen fertilization by regression of periodic basal area increment against basal area. Can. J. For. Res. 18 : 1343-1346.
Thomson, A.J. 1987. Determining families of tree growth curves consistent with stock table data. In Proc. IUFRO Forest growth Modelling and Prediction Conference, Minneapolis, MN, August 24-28 1987. USDA For. Serv., North Central Forest Experiment Station, General Technical Report NC- 129, Vol. 1, 224-230.
Thomson, A.J. 1987. Comparison of lodgepole pine yield tables. Can. J. For. Res. 17: 1110-1114.
Thomson, A.J., and H.J. Barclay. 1984. Effects of thinning and fertilization on the distribution of area increment along the boles of Douglas-fir at Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 14: 879-884.