Alan J. Thomson
Victoria, BC, Canada
email: ajthomson@AdaptiveKM.com
Educational Background:
B.Sc. (Hons. Zoology): Glasgow University (1968)
DLSHTM (Infectious Diseases): London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2009)
M.Sc. (Infectious Diseases): London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2009)
Ph.D. (Ecology and Parasitology): McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario) (1972)
Research Background:
Post-doctoral fellowships: Institute of Resource Ecology, UBC, Vancouver, Canada (1972-76)
Research Scientist: Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, BC, Canada (1976-2009)
For a number of years, served as Adjunct Professor/ Research Associate with the Centre
for Non-Timber Resources (now known as the Centre for Livelihoods and Ecology),
Royal Roads University, Victoria, Canada
Research Areas:
My current research is mainly in the field of Global Health, as a collaborator in the Global Burden of Disease program, and also in the field of Infectious Diseases and Medical Entomology.
Past areas of research included the dynamics and impact of forest pests and diseases, particularly the effects of climate and weather. In relation to this research, I led the development of bilingual multi-disciplinary, multi-agency knowledge-based systems and decision support systems.
In recent years, this has included the use of Artificial Intelligence approaches, customized document generation, and internet-based system deployment. My interest in innovation diffusion and adoption stems from my experiences with acceptance and use of these systems.
Of Note: