Alan J. Thomson
Victoria, BC, Canada
email: ajthomson@AdaptiveKM.com
Artificial Intelligence (AI):
Many of the systems I have developed are based on AI concepts, including expert systems. The innovative nature of these systems is indicated by their enduring use and acceptance in publications.
Artificial Intelligence publications:
Thomson, A.J. 2008. Diagnosis of sparse adoption data using an expert system-guided innovation diffusion simulation model. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, Volume 13(3), 2008, article 11 [available at http://www.innovation.cc/peer-reviewed/thomson1dec2008jag_rev12i11.pdf]
Thomson, A.J., and I. Willoughby. 2004. A web-based expert system for advising on herbicide use in Great Britain. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 42: 43-49.
Willoughby, I., and A. Thomson. 2004. Expert help on herbicide selection. Forestry and British Timber, 33 (2): 30.
Thomson, A.J., and I. Willoughby. 2002. A web-based expert system for advising on herbicide use in Great Britain. Proc. Fourth International Conference on Forest Vegetation Management: Technical, Environmental and Economic Challenges. IUFRO Research Group 1.13.00 Conference, Nancy, France, June 17-21, 2002.
Thomson, A.J., E. Allen and D. Morrison. 1998. Forest tree disease diagnosis over the World Wide Web. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 21: 19-31.
Thomson, A., E. Allen, and D. Morrison. 1997. Web diagnostic tool for common tree diseases of British Columbia. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forestry Service, Pacific Forestry Centre. Technology Transfer Note No. 9.
Thomson, A.J. 1997. Artificial Intelligence and Environmental Ethics. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management. 11 (1): 69-73. [Download PDF]
Thomson, A.J., and J.E. Peak. 1997. AIRIES (Artificial Intelligence Research in Environmental Research). Editorial preface for Special Issue. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management Vol. 11 (1).
Thomson, A.J. 1996. Asimov's psychohistory: vision of the future or present reality? AI Applications in Natural Resource Management 10(3): 1-8. [Download PDF] [Note: this is a review of Artificial Intelligence applications relating to Natural Resource Conflict Resolution. It was an invited paper on the future of AI in natural resources, for the 10th anniversary issue of the journal.]
Bhogal, P., D.G. Goodenough, D. Charlebois, S. Matwin, F. Portigal, H. Barclay, A. Thomson and 0. Niemann. 1996. SEIDAM for Forestry: Intelligent fusion and analysis of multi-temporal imaging spectrometer data. Proc. 26th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. March 25-29, 1996. Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
Thomson, A.J., and A. Van Sickle. 1996. Forest insect and disease diagnosis and management using expert system - guided hypermedia. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management. 10(2): 23-32. [Download PDF](Includes CD order form).
Thomson, A.J., and A. Van Sickle. 1995. Computer-based training in tree damage assessment. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management 9 (2): 53-68 [Download PDF] (with disks).
Thomson, A.J., and C. Sivertson. 1994. Video knowledge bases and computer-assisted video production: a forestry example. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management 8 (1): 29-39.[Download PDF]
Thomson, A.J. 1993. Paradigm Green: AI approaches to evaluating the economic consequences of changing environmental viewpoints. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management 7(4): 61 - 68.[Download PDF]
Thomson, A.J., J.R. Sutherland and C. Carpenter. 1993. Computer-assisted diagnosis using expert system - guided hypermedia. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management 7 (1): 17-27 (with disk). [Download PDF]
Thomson, A.J., J.R. Sutherland, M. Blache, and J. Dennis. 1992. Prototyping an expert system for diagnosis of forest seedling nursery problems using an expert system shell. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management [Download PDF] 6: 21-31.
Thomson, A.J., and D.R. Williamson. 1992. Formation and use of intermediate inferences in advisory systems: a herbicide example. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management 6(4): 29-37. [Download PDF]
Thomson, A.J. 1992. Computer assisted diagnosis of forest seedling nursery problems. In: Proc. Forest Nursery Assoc. of B.C., Penticton, B.C. September 28 - October 1, 1992, p49-54.
Thomson, A.J. 1992. Paradigm Green: Artificial Intelligence approaches to evaluating the economic consequences of changing environmental viewpoints. In: Proc. International Federation of Automation Control Workshop on Expert Systems in Agriculture. Huangshan, China. August 12-14, 1992. Ed. Fan-Lun Xiong. International Academia Publishers, Beijing. p48-53.
Thomson, A.J. 1992. Computer assisted diagnosis and treatment of weed problems in forest seedling nurseries. In: Proc. Can. For. Nursery Weed Mgt. Assoc. Mtg., Victoria, B.C. July 6-8 1992, p45-56.
Thomson, A.J., J.R. Sutherland, M.E. Blache, and J.Dennis. 1991.Expert systems for diagnosing nursery insect, disease and environmental problems. In: Sutherland, J.R., and S. Glover (eds.). Proc IUFRO Symposium, Diseases and Insects in Forest Nurseries, Working Party S2.07-09. Victoria, B.C., August 1990. 223-225.
Thomson, A.J., and C.M.A. Taylor. 1990. An expert system for diagnosis and treatment of nutrient deficiencies of Sitka spruce in Great Britain. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management 4: 44-52. [Download PDF]