Adaptive Knowledge Management

Alan J. Thomson

Victoria, BC, Canada


Adaptive Knowledge Management:

"Adaptive Knowledge Management" is a company registered in British Columbia, Canada. Adaptive Knowledge Management is also the name of an approach to Knowledge Management.

Mission Statement:

To provide consulting services on Knowledge Management and system design and development, based on the Adaptive Knowledge Management approach and the concepts of Knowledge Ecosystems, and to collaborate in research and data analysis in the field of Global Health.

Knowledge Management

Knowledge is the recognition of patterns within data and information, and the understanding of the implications of these patterns.

Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of practices used in an organisation to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organisational processes or practice (Wikipedia)

Adaptive Knowledge Management

Adaptive Knowledge Management is a Knowledge Management practice associated with the Knowledge Ecosystem concept, and is an extension of the Adaptive Management methodology. Where Adaptive Management is a structured process for decision making, Adaptive Knowledge Management experiments with that structure, particularly with the workshop and communication aspects.

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